Monday, September 20, 2010


Adapted from a photo taken by an unknown Daily Olympian photographer in the 1960's this panel was created for a cabinet door.


Elizabeth said...

The woods are gorgeous - I like to think that you creativity has been fueled in part by my parting with the veneer three years ago. This is a beautiful picture.

Judy said...

Steve, these photos are perfect as well as the work itself. How did you do the camera work???? I am looking for the EASIEST effort.

Steve Blood said...

The photos were taken by placing the panels outside with the sun to my back.

Ann said...

The panels are beautiful. I am going outside with my camera. Are the panels on an easel? Your choices of veneers are so perfect. I am glad you are doing more marquetry. What a talent!

Steve Blood said...

They are standing on a cardboard box leaning against a tree. Very high-tec.